Spruijt, S.
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- 30-09-2016 Faculty at 10e Basiscursus Osteotomie voor arts-assistenten orthopaedie, Mill:
- HTO vs UKA.
- Deformiteitsanalyse en planning
- 26-09-2016 – 27-09-2016 Faculty Oxford Partial Knee 40 Year Symposium, Oxfordshire (UK):
- Partial Knee Arthroplasty vs High Tibial Osteotomy
- Moderator Session: Indications, complications & outcome
- 28-04-2016 – 29-04-2016 Faculty at Oxford Young Circle Meeting, Berlin (D):
- UKA vs HTO
- 31-03-2016 – 03-04-2016 Van der Woude JT, Wiegant K, Van Heerwaarden RJ, Spruijt S, Van Roermund PM, Custers RJ, Mastbergen SC, Lafeber FP. Knee Joint Distraction compared with High Tibial Osteotomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. OARSI World Congress on Osteoarthritis, Amsterdam, NL.
- 17-11-2015 Invited Speaker at Combined Oxford and Bristol Unicompartmental Knee Arthritis Symposium, Oxford (UK):
- The Role of HTO in Unicompartmental Arthritis.
- 10-09-2015 Faculty at Oxford Partial Knee Residents Instructional Course, Driebergen:
- Concept and History of the Oxford Partial Knee
- Performance of the Oxford Partial Knee
- Moderator Saw Bone Session
- 10-06-2015 – 13-06-2015 Van der Woude JA, Van Heerwaarden RJ, Spruijt S, Wiegant K, Van Roermund PM, Spruijt S, Saris DB, Mastbergen SC, Lafeber FP. Knee Joint Distraction compared with High Tibial Osteotomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. EULAR 2015, Rome, Italy.
- 08-05-2015 – 11-05-2015 Van der Woude JA, Van Heerwaarden RJ, Spruijt S, Wiegant K, Van Roermund PM, Spruijt S, Saris DB, Mastbergen SC, Lafeber FP.
- Knee Joint Distraction compared with High Tibial Osteotomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. 12th World Congress of the International Cartilage Repair Society, Chicago, USA.
- 24-03-2015 Faculty at 9e Basiscursus Osteotomie voor arts-assistenten orthopaedie, Woerden:
- HTO vs UKA.
- Deformiteitsanalyse en planning
- 19-03-2015 – 20-03-2015 Faculty at Oxford Partial Knee Advanced Instructional Course, Oxford (UK):
- Oxford UKA vs HTO
- 28-11-2014 – 29-11-2014 Faculty at Oxford Partial Knee Instructional Course, Delft:
- Oxford UKA vs HTO
- 14-11-2014 Van der Woude JAD, Van Heerwaarden RJ, Saris DB, Wiegant K, Spruijt S, Mastbergen SC, Lafeber FPJG, Van Roermund PM. Knee Joint Distraction compared with High Tibial Osteotomy: a randomized controlled trial, one-year follow-up. Symposium Experimenteel Onderzoek Heelkundige Specialismen (SEOHS), Groningen. Curriculum Vitae S. Spruijt
- 23-10-2014 Invited Speaker at Norwegian Arthroscopy Association’s symposium “High Tibial Osteotomies” at the Norwegian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting 2014, Oslo (N):
- High Tibial Osteotomy – Preoperative Planning and Surgical Technique
- Double Osteotomy
- 04-10-2013 Faculty at 8e Basiscursus Osteotomie voor arts-assistenten orthopaedie, Woerden:
- HTO vs UKA.
- Deformiteitsanalyse en planning
- 25-09-2013 Invited Speaker at Nederlandse Orthopaedische en Traumatologische Sportgeneeskundige Werkgroep (NOTS), Amersfoort:
- Patellofemorale instabiliteit en maltracking
- 06-05-2013 – 07-05-2013 Faculty at AO Trauma Regional Course: Osteotomies around the Knee, Oslo (N):
- Deformity analysis and planning of osteotomies
- High tibial osteotomy
- Sagittal plane corrections
- 05-05-2012 Invited Speaker at Instructional Course Lectures EKA: Osteotomy – The Basics, 15th ESSKA Congress, Geneva (CH):
- Deformity Analysis and Planning.
- 29-03-2012 Invited Speaker at IMUKA 2012 Current Concepts in Orthopaedic Pathology, Masterclass in Knees, Maastricht:
- Early full weight bearing after osteotomies around the knee.
- 28-10-2011 Faculty at 7e Basiscursus Osteotomie voor arts-assistenten orthopaedie, Nijmegen:
- HTO vs UKA.
- Valgiserende tibiakoposteotomie.
- 17-11-2010 – 18-11-2010 Faculty at AO Trauma – Advances Osteotomy Course, Soestduinen:
- Tuberosity osteotomy and patellar tracking.
- Re-corrections of patellar malalignment.
- 28-09-2010 Invited Speaker at Special Session Deformity/Axis Deviation, 9th World Congress of the International Cartilage Repair Society, Sitges/Barcelona (E):
- Preoperative radiographic evaluation of axis deformities around the knee.
- 25-09-2009 Faculty at 6e Basiscursus Osteotomie voor arts-assistenten orthopaedie, Nijmegen:
- Valgiserende tibiakoposteotomie.
- 24-09-2009 Symposium Osteotomie rond de knie voor OK-assistenten, Nijmegen:
- Tibiakoposteotomie.
- Osteotomie bij patella-instabiliteit.
- Osteotomie bij patella-instabiliteit: complicaties en re-correcties.
- 04-06-2009 Invited Speaker at Experts meet Experts-session: Osteotomies around the Knee, 10th EFORT Congress, Vienna, (A):
- Mistakes made in patellofemoral re-alignment osteotomies. Curriculum Vitae S. Spruijt
- 19-05-2005 The strength reducing effect of pericavitary osteopenia in metastatic bone disease – a finite element analysis, Orthopaedie Wetenschapsdag, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam.
- 22-04-2004 Our Worst Case, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Orthopaedische Traumatologie (NVOT), Utrecht.
- 14-10-2000 Estimating the load bearing capacity of femora with metastatic defects from finite element computer simulations. European Orthopaedic Research Society, Wiesbaden (D).
- 13-01-2000 Quantitative computed tomography based finite element analysis of femoral fracture risk in metastatic bone disease. Jaarcongres NOV, Rotterdam.
03-10-1997 Secundaire unilaterale hypertrofische osteoarthropathie. Najaarsvergadering Nederlandse Orthopaedische Vereniging (NOV), Nieuwegein.